Which Makes the Most Sense to you...
WHICH DOOR WILL YOUR CHOOSE: Tax Free, No Market Risk or Beat Inflation

Door Number 1: Liquidity…Tax Free with drawls and Income Tax Free Legacy for heirs

Door Number 2: Great Growth Potential with index crediting…Highs of the Market with no market risk

Door Number 3: Inflation Combater…Your best chance at beating inflation with no risk
Indexed Universal Life Plans (IUL’s) are IRS APPROVED and offer you All Three Doors in one product, allowing your money to work effectively for you!
For Individuals with sufficient net worth, moving money from low-yielding assets into life insurance can be a very smart choice and great planning tool for your funds future growth.
CD’s offer safety…however sometimes they dip below 1%. Lower interest rates, with modest inflation of 2-3 percent mean CD’s often are loosing buying power and you’ll find bank Savings accounts following this same mold.
IUL’s offer safety…a new way to reposition your assets which offer the opportunity for higher interest crediting than many fixed alternatives. Higher potential growth than options with fixed interest rates and yet now risk because your principle is protected from negative market fluctuations.
It’s an unpredictable world, and it always will be with cost of living, market performance and all the other variables which play into finances, hopes, dreams and goals. However, an IUL Cash Value Life Insurance is a superior product because it offers safety and growth, at the same time…with no risk.
Imagine putting money away, watching it grow competitively, and knowing you won’t loose a penny when the next market crash occurs. Let’s add to that the ability to take your money out income tax free, when needed.
IUL’s help manage today’s challenging financial environment because they provide Long Term Care, Critical Illness and Terminal Illness cash access by accelerating the death benefit. Benefits are paid out income tax free in most cases once the individual is deemed to be chronically ill under the terms of the contract. Some companies even offer these features at no cost unless used.
Death benefits and other cash funds are paid out when one perishes prematurely allowing an income tax free payout to your heirs. Of course, any unpaid loans taken from the policy will lesson the remaining death benefit amount.
It’s time to remove uncertainty from your financial future…particularly when it comes to available cash funds. IUL’s are relevant in a world of uncertainty and market volatility.
Let’s Review:
Interest Crediting of Cash Value with upside potential Tax Free Access to deposited funds Death Benefit payout Income Tax Free LTC & Illness protection No Market Risk It’s a No Brainer. Predictable income stream is critical to your ability to have the retirement you envision. It’s time to re-evaluate your low interest yielding assets to better accomplish your financial goals.
Withstand buying power erosion – Set up an IUL today!