Bull & Bear Years...Market Crashes?

The Stock Market, as one form of “investing” for your future,can be a good thing as it’s good to be diversified. However, one never knows when they might need access to their cash accumulation, and that leads to the question, how liquid are your funds?
I’ve know people whom thought they had their “ducks in a row”, only to find out one person ended up needing Long Term Care; and it was the same year the market crashed. Turns out all their funds were tied to the market, in fairly aggressive funds because they thought they had many more years to save. Another couple was set to retire in one day and the Market Crashed that very day. Needless to say, he didn't retire after all. Problem is, no one knows when the market will crash.
Imagine if you still had every penny of gains you’d received on your investments and that they had not been affected by Market Crashes or “bad years”. How much more would your money have grown from where it is now? Anyone old enough to have experienced the 2001 and 2008 Market Crashes knows what I’m talking about and probably has a pit in their stomach from loosing money due to the crash.
I know because I STILL think about how much I lost in the 2001 crash; and NEVER regained. Obviously my money was NOT in the market during the 2008 crash...I learned my lesson.
Did you know that for the past 40 years, basic long-term treasury bonds have outpaced stock market investing allowing bond buyers to sleep well at night. Risking funds in the stock market lead to sleepless nights and broken dreams. Typical mutual fund investors barely beat inflation earning 3.49% annually for the past 20 years.
Your IUL will beat any traditional savings plans, hands down, and any other investing methods over time because it prevents market loss but realizes market like gains.
The IUL is a Powerful Financial Management Tool as it offers no market risk and yet provides you with market like gains. Now is the time to get your Free Analysis…
* Custom Tailored to your unique situation now and incorporating your goals and dreams for your future
* Each plan is different depending on what you want to accomplish…Rapid Cash Accumulation, Long Term Care Funds, or both Cash Accumulation and Long Term Care (LTC) rolled into one, or other benefits
* IUL's work best for those under age 50, unless one has money available to fund the account in a shorter period of time.
Yearly Cash Accumulation is based on funds invested, death benefit amount, Interest Rates, Insurance Caps and Floors, etc.
To find out how much cash value you’ll receive each year…Request your Free personally Analysis now.
Start growing your Financial Future Now!
1. Bonds why Bother? By Rovert Arnott, Journal of Indeses, May/June 2009 Issue
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